Starting up a new project and not sure where to start when it comes to environmental impact compliance?
At SERS, our expert environmental consultants can develop a comprehensive and complete Environmental Management Plan. These plans are tailored specifically for your site and will help you effectively manage the environmental issues of your project from planning through to delivery.
Environmental management plans describe how an action might impact on the natural environment in which it occurs and set out clear commitments from the person taking the action on how those impacts will be avoided, minimised and managed so that they are environmentally acceptable.
A strong environmental management plan identifies the important assets and the potential impacts of the development of the surrounding area. The plan will also describe management techniques and outcomes to avoid or mitigate impacts on the environment and measure environmental performance.
SERS environmental management plans are tailored to meet our clients environmental approval requirements, with detailed specifications and procedures covering site requirements, necessary licences and approvals.
Contact SERS today to organise your Environmental Management Plan.
Expert Environmental Project Management
With unrivalled and demonstrated experience in managing sustainable developments in the waste recycling, landfill and extractive industries, SERS Environmental Project Managers can manage and coordinate all the environmental aspects of projects such as:
- Regulatory liaison and management;
- Technical expertise and resourcing (people, equipment and materials);
- Project scheduling and delivery;
- Determination of optimum and efficient environmental approval strategies;
- Communicating and presenting project information;
- Environmental risk assessment, mitigation and management;
- Compliance management, sampling, analysis, auditing and reporting;
- Community and key stakeholder consultation;
- Managing and reporting on the environmental scope, aspects and budget; and
- Environmental close out and handover.
With offices in Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Darwin, our expert consultants can develop custom environmental management plans for any site in Australia.
Regulatory decision making bodies who assess the environmental impacts arising from the implementation of a project often require the development of Environmental Management Plans in support of a planning or an environmental approval application.
With our established relationships with these bodies, SERS can provide our clients with cost effective, timely and environmentally acceptable plans and approvals.
At SERS, our highly trained Environmental Consultants have the unique capability and expertise to devise both your EMP and to prepare and lodge all your necessary applications.
We will work with the client to ensure requirements are met and understood by all parties. We will create detailed monitoring plans, record the locations of equipment, the duration of the project, trigger levels and criteria which must be adhered to during the works. (Static monitors for long durations, Class 1 Noise Monitors).
Environmental Noise and Vibration Management Plans often need to be submitted to the Planning Department for demolition works, which is a service which SERS can also provide.
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) establishes a strong framework for protection of the environment and the conservation of biodiversity. It includes a broad range of enforcement mechanisms for managing suspected or identified instances of non-compliance and for reviewing the compliance of referred projects.
The Australian Government’s approach to maximising compliance with the EPBC Act is outlined in the Department’s EPBC Act Compliance and Enforcement Policy. This approach includes proactive compliance measures, as well as a range of enforcement mechanisms to address non-compliance.
The Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy is responsible for a range of regulatory functions under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Under the EPBC Act an approval is required from the Minister for any proposed action likely to have a significant impact on a matter protected by the EPBC Act.
The Minister, or his delegate, approves the taking of the action by signing an instrument of decision. Many approval decisions include a requirement for the approval holder to prepare and submit for approval by the Minster, environmental management plans.
School Environmental Management Plans
A School Environment Management Plan (SEMP) is a form that sets out the school community’s plan regarding environmental management and education. It is used as an agreement to work together across the whole school.
Putting a SEMP in place should be the school’s first step to preventing asbestos, noise, dust and vibration damage. A SEMP plan can help schools, parents, and children in a variety of ways.