contaminated site investigation, SERS, Site Environmental & Remediation Services, WA, NSW, QLD, AUS, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth.

Operations Manager March Update

contaminated site investigation, SERS, Site Environmental & Remediation Services, WA, NSW, QLD, AUS, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth.
contaminated site investigation, SERS, Site Environmental & Remediation Services, WA, NSW, QLD, AUS, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth.

SERS have recently been engaged to undertake a contaminated site investigation on a commercial/industrial site which has historically been subjected to uncontrolled filling. The objective of the investigation was to determine the nature and extent of fill soils at the Site and to recommend any remediation strategies which may be required for the site

The methodology which SERS employed for the investigation involved soil logging, sampling and analysis of 30 test pits across the 17,500m2 site using a Cat 8t excavator.

Test pits were extended until virgin soil was observed where possible. In some cases, the presence of underground services prevented extending test pits to the projected depths. All soil units were logged and GPS coordinates recorded for each test pit.

Analytes which samples were analysed for included:

• Metals
• Organochloride Pesticides
• Organophosphate Pesticides
• Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
• Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)
• Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX)

At the conclusion of the sampling and analysis, SERS was able to present a detailed report to our client which included the level of contamination for each test pit across the site along with suitable remediation recommendations. SERS are further assisting our client with advice and recommendations through the remediation process

Rod Manning
Operations Manager

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